As anyone who has been in a romantic relationship will attest, being in love with someone is wondrous, but it isn’t always easy. When we first meet Nick Ross in Andrej Lupin’s “Second Chance” it quickly becomes clear that he’s experiencing the pain of a lover’s quarrel. Downcast, he enters a flower shop and emerges with a single rose “ clearly a token of reconciliation as well as an admission of his responsibility in the argument that has sent him, alone, out into the streets of Prague at night. With rose in hand he wanders, ponders, and takes stock of his life and his relationship. Meanwhile Lady Dee, alone in their home “ or perhaps a hotel room “ is lost in deep, heart-broken thoughts of her own. When Nick returns and offers her the rose, she accepts it, and not a single word is spoken. The fight is behind them now, and they express their collective relief with a tender kiss “ the first of many. “Second Chance” then proceeds to capture what is commonly known as “make-up sex,” and it does so delicately, romantically, and with a sweetness and affection that creates a vivid portrait of two people very much in love. The action proceeds in a relaxed manner, there is no rushing to the release of orgasm. Rather the lovers savor one another, warmed by the glow of their love, and inflamed by their building passion. Ross pleasures Lady Dee with his mouth before penetrating her. This is interrupted by a brief bout of kissing, after which Dee assumes the cowgirl position. She next gives Nick a handjob followed by a blowjob, which segues into a sixty-nine as Dee begins to betray her arousal with increasingly audible vocalizations. Silence and restraint are abandoned in the final moments of the interlude as the lovers couple acrobatically and vigorously. Lady Dee reaches orgasm with an assist from her agile fingers, and with Nick straining at the brink of ecstasy, the lovers clasp hands and with her free hand she brings her lover to sweet completion. Viewers who value beauty, romance, and passion will find that “Second Chance” results in love at first sight.
Date: July 27, 2019
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